Bring in your pieces along with any brand packaging and original paperwork such as receipts, appraisals and diamond certifications. If you don’t already have official paperwork verifying the specs and value of each piece, you will need to have an official appraisal done on the items you’re looking to sell. However, in this case we recommend bringing your items into the store first for us to see if your pieces are a good fit for the current jewelry market and our clientele demographic. If so, we will refer you to our favorite reputable gemologist in town for an appraisal.

Once you meet these criteria, we will gather some basic info from you and draw up a basic contract for you to review and sign. We require you to leave your item with us to sell for a minimum of 30 days, though we would highly recommend at least 60 days. During that time we will notify you with any offers we receive or let you know when it’s sold. After the initial 30 day period if your item hasn’t sold, you are welcome to leave it longer or give us prior notice if you wish to pick it up.

When a consignment item sells, it’s a 60/40 split. You get 60% of the purchase price; we keep 40%. We will write you a check and notify you when it’s ready to pick up.

Consigner’s pro tip: the Christmas season tends to be our most lucrative selling season so it’s wise to bring your items in by October 1st, our cut off date, to give your items the best possible chance of selling and bringing joy to someone else during the holiday season. If you miss the cut off, we start accepting consignment pieces again on January 15th, so you can bring your pieces on by then!

Still have questions? Please don’t hesitate to contact us or stop by the store. We look forward to serving you!